EMS in the press. See what the press says about EMS and GBT.

Result: 211

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2023 Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

GBT - Universally applicable and yet individual

Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Prof. Adrian Lussi Dental Magazin, MAY 2023, Special Print
cover eng dm sp gbt
2023 Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

Verbesserung der Recall-Bindung durch Schmerzvermeidung

Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf Plaque N Care, 02/Juni 2023
Cover recall durch Schmerzvermeidung
2023 ZWP online

GBT Summit: GBT-zertifizierte Praxisinhaber*innen verraten ihre Erfolgsgeheimnisse

ZWP online, Branchenmeldung vom 29.06.2023 ZWP online
cover summit muc
2023 Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf

Improving recall loyality by avoiding pain

Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf, Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf PLAQUE N CARE 02/2023
cover ENG improving Bastendorf
2023 Dr. Jan H. Koch

GBT certified practice owners reveal their secrets of success

Dr. Jan H. Koch ZWP online
cover GBT Summit Muc
2023 Interview with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlagenhauf

치주 치료에 사용하는 에어폴리싱에 관한 최근 연구 결과 및 발표: 치주 치료와 에어플로잉Ⓡ

Interview with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlagenhauf Denfoline, Quintessence
Cover Korean
2023 Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der dzw-Die ZahnarztWoche

Begeistertes Publikum beim Prophylaxe-Event in München

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der dzw-Die ZahnarztWoche dzw, Die ZahnarztWoche, Ausgabe 29-30/2023
cover dzw summit 2023
2023 EMS

La mia esperienza GBT: la testimonianza del Dott. Valentino Natoli

Ho avuto modo di conoscere e testare il protocollo GBT nel 2017 grazie ad alcuni colleghi che già lo utilizzavano. Sin da subito sono rimasto affascinato dalla tecnologia di AIRFLOW Prophylaxis Master, successivamente, lavorando quotidianamente con il protocollo GBT ho riscontrato feedback positivi da parte dei pazienti (...)

EMS Dental Tribune
Valentino Natoli_thumbnail
2023 Marlene Hartinger

GBT certified practice: Going it alone as a solo practice with purpose

Marlene Hartinger, OEMUS MEDIA cosmetic dentistry 1/2023
Cover fries cosmetic dentistry
2023 Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

Biofilmmanagement und Mundhygiene während der KFO-Behandlung

Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf KN, Kieferorthopädische Nachrichten 10/2023
cover KN

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