EMS in the press. See what the press says about EMS and GBT.

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GBT in orthodontic preventive treatment: “The cleaning effect is better and it is much more pleasant for the patients”

Die Zahnarzt Woche, 17/2024, 24 April 2024
cover ortho interview
2024 Bülent Kurtiş

Periodontal ve Peri-implant Hastalıklarının Tedavisi ve Korunmasında Güncel bir Tedavi Protokolü: Rehberli Biyofilm Tedavisi

Bülent Kurtiş, Burcu Kutlay Kurtiş Guven Medical and Health Sciences
cover quintessenz Tr
2024 Dr. Emilio Rodríguez Fernández

Mantenimiento profesional del paciente implantado con el protocolo GBT (Guided Biofilm Therapy)

Dr. Emilio Rodríguez Fernández, Eliana Ottaviano, Dr. Yari Rodríguez Fernández Maxilarias
cover es maxilaris
2024 Dagmar Kromer-Busch

Das GBT-Protokoll in der kieferorthopädischen Prophylaxe

Dagmar Kromer-Busch Kieferorthopädische Nachrichten 5/24
Cover Ortho KN
2023 Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

GBT - Allgemein anwendbar und doch individuell

Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Prof. Adrian Lussi Dental Magazin, MAI 2023, Sonderdruck
cover de dm sp
2023 Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

Verbesserung der Recall-Bindung durch Schmerzvermeidung

Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf Plaque N Care, 02/Juni 2023
Cover recall durch Schmerzvermeidung
2023 Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

GBT - Universally applicable and yet individual

Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Prof. Adrian Lussi Dental Magazin, MAY 2023, Special Print
cover eng dm sp gbt
2023 Dr. Jan H. Koch

Patients prefer Guided Biofilm Therapy

Dr. Jan H. Koch today at IDS 2023
Cover patient prefer
2023 Marlene Hartinger

GBT certified practice: Going it alone as a solo practice with purpose

Marlene Hartinger, OEMUS MEDIA cosmetic dentistry 1/2023
Cover fries cosmetic dentistry
2023 Dr. Natalie Margraf

GBT - Zahnreinigung auf der IDS 2023

Dr. Natalie Margraf Wir in der Zahnarztpraxis 03/23
cover WIZ ids


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