EMS in the press. See what the press says about EMS and GBT.

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2021 Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

Kieferorthopädische Aligner-Therapie und Prophylaxe

Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf Journal of Aligner Orthodontics
covre de bastendorf
2021 Dr. Jan H. Koch

Prevention with a System. Dr. Kathrin Kober has significantly raised the quality and comfort of prevention treatment in her practice.

Dr. Jan H. Koch Compact
cover compact eng
2021 Furrer

Patient Acceptance of "Guided Biofilm Therapy"

Furrer, Céline; Bättig, Regula; Votta, Ivana; Bastendorf, Klaus-Dieter; Schmidlin, Patrick Swiss Dental Journal SSO Vol 131
cover patient acceptance
2021 Furrer

Patient acceptance of "Guided Biofilm Therapy", University of Zurich

Furrer, Céline; Bättig, Regula; Votta, Ivana; Bastendorf, Klaus-Dieter; Schmidlin, Patrick Swiss Dental Journal SSO Vol 131
cover eng furer
2020 Marcel Donnet

AEROSOLS IN DENTISTRY - The bacterial contamination of the room air during an AIRFLOW® treatment

Descriptive Text that should appear.

Marcel Donnet, Magda Mensi, Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Adrian Lussi ZAHNÄRZTLICHE MITTEILUNGEN
ZM Cover EN
2020 Marcel Donnet

AEROSOLE BEIM ZAHNARTZT - Die bakterielle Kontamination der Raumluft während einer AIRFLOW®-Behandlung

Marcel Donnet, Magda Mensi, Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Adrian Lussi ZAHNÄRZTLICHE MITTEILUNGEN
Aerosole ZM DE

DZ Interview Torsten Fremerey SOS Kampagne

DZ thumbnail

Prophylaxe Journal - Die beste Entscheidung die ich treffen konnte

Prophylaxe Journal 6/20, S. 40-41, OEMUS MEDIA AG, Leipzig
2020 Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) Fragen und Antworten zur systematischen Lösung für das Biofilmmanagement

Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Prof. em. Dr. Adrian Lussi, SP ZZS Magazin
Zss Magazin Fragen thumb

Guided Biofilm Therapy GBT Questions and Answers



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